Atlas 2.0

Atlas 2.0, 2017

annodized, perforated aluminum, light source

The distance between stars is deceptive to the human eye, and we often fail to perceive what these distances might be, instead seeing the sky as a scattered expanse. Upon entering the room, the visitor is confronted with a projection of the Milky Way on a wall. The projection results from a perforated black aluminum sheet hanging in the center of the exhibition space. It is illuminated by a spotlight and serves as a template, representing the northern sky with the major constellations that can be seen throughout the year.

Nowadays we don't navigate by the stars, and the Greek gods to whom the constellations refer have lost their importance. Conversely, the constellations in this atlas have been renamed after 21st century basics such as yoga poses or electronic devices.

Atlas 2.0
Atlas 2.0